Интересная статья про то как правильно наметить себе цели в жизни и следовать своим мечтам (с фокусом на цели художника). Кому это нужно, но не читает по английски - могу перевести в комментах основные положения.

"If you are not now making the progress you’d like to make and are capable

of making, it is simply because your goals are not clearly defined."

Dynamics of Personal Goal Setting by Paul J Meyer

It’s a new year. "New year resolutions" are almost inevitable. And, if like most of us, you need jump start, following are some steps toward setting and implementing your goals.

Capture Your Dreams

"Reach high, for stars hidden in your soul;

Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal." ----- Pamela Starr

If you don’t know what you want, you can’t aim for it - and you won’t know when you have it! Just being aware of your dreams, wishes and wants is the beginning. When you start thinking about what you really want, whether it is something tangible like a new and bigger studio or something intangible like being a better artist, you are on your way to accomplishing it.

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