
James James James Bond,

James James James Bond,

James James James Bond...

Everybody's stuck in the middle

wants something for nothing

original is nothing new

everybody stares in the mirror

looking a partner

lets look for something better to do

Verse 1

she's James Bond in a dress

diamonds forever are all she wears

loaded and ready to go

red is her colour

her diva desire

he's Marlena in a suit

walking the mermaid

in thigh high boots

someones' wife that he meet on the phone

she's user frendly

yeah she's taking him home

he's gay

he's straight

he's black

he's white

he'll be anything she wants him to be tonight

body above (and a little bit more)

lover boy to lover girl

he's flexible

she's loveable

he's flexible

I’m flexible tonight

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are you flexible tonight?
