Не могу удержаться и цитирую So lonely without me
"Potter doesn't hate me — black is white, up is down, the moon is made of green cheese."(c)
читать дальше"Snape snorts. He wants to laugh. "Please—you'd sooner find me in bed with Harry bloody Potter."
"You are in bed with Harry bloody Potter," the younger man says. "Ah—if only Rita Skeeter were here."(c)
"It is somehow easier to talk when lying down.
[SS]"The potatoes were excellent."
[HP]"The roast?"
"Good word."
"There are many of those in a large book called the Dictionary."
"Why get one of those when I've got you?"
"It's a wonder you graduated."
"…Do another big word."
"Another one."
"Prestidigitation." (c)